Wednesday 6 May 2009

Xikou - 溪口

溪口 Xikou

Date: 2009-04-25

浙江奉化溪口,蒋中正的故乡,风景美丽,国家5A 级旅游胜地。近来由于海峡两岸交流加温,溪口成为大陆旅游团热点,到处挤满人潮,看旅游大巴已停到街上路边,旅游团得下车排队往前进,实因停车场早已爆满。门票相当贵,路边多是大著蒋家千层饼店,酥脆可口非常美味。

Take bus from Ningbo to Xikou. The distance is just over 1 hour. Get off from bus and walk on the main street to get to the major sightseeing area.

2012-11-15  Add more photos to this post. has shifted their interesting to E-Commerce in southern Asia, the headquarter is moved from Florida to Jakarta, Indonesia. I have to move everything to somewhere, they suggested to use Google Blogger. Here I am.

Xiku is a beautiful place. China's tourism bureau has rated 5A for this place. You can feel the outstanding place, it is not only for a historical place - the birth place of Chiang, but also the natural beauty of its river and mountains. Please visit here if you have a chance to be in this region.

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