Wednesday 2 May 2018

Wuhan 武汉 2018

Wuhan - a provincial capitol city of Hubei province, China

A city with history and a major business city on river Yangtze 长江

There 3 sections - Hankou 汉口,Wuchang 武昌 and Hanyang 汉阳

I went there by CRH from Chongqing north train station to Hankou train station, it takes about 6.5 hours. The region is very green. Water is well managed by 3 Gorges Dam, also, river transportation is managed by 3 Gorges Dam.

The Hotel Dorset Wuhan I stayed is on the walking street on Hankou section. There is Metro Jianghan Road station and a bus stop just a few meters away from the hotel. There are many restaurants and 24 hrs convenient stores nearby. The hotel gives only one breakfast per room. My brother's room and my room did 2 breakfasts each for 4 nights stay.

Wuhan people like to eat out at breakfast. They have the highest percentage of residences to eat out on breakfast within the nation.

 Street cleaning - they have special group to remove grease on the street

Dorsett Wuhan hotel lobby

My siblings on CRH car - from Chongqing to Wuhan 
 We had dinner on 永和大王near our hotel

Go to 黄鹤楼 Yellow Crane Tower
One major street with malls
 City Metro line
 Street garden - roses planted in the central line

 Yangtze river

Wuchan revolution site 武昌起义纪念馆

Our hotel room

 Hotel Dorsett Wuhan breakfast

Visiting Hubei Museum

Visiting China's most beautiful university - Wuhan University
It is a university surrounded by green trees, flower bushes and famous cherry blossom trees

 东湖 Lake Dong

 University gate to College of Engineering
We passed a shopping mall

 Jiang Han road - walking street  江汉路步行街

 Our hotel room is very large

 Hankou train station waiting room 汉口火车站

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