Wednesday 2 May 2018

Xi'an 西安 2018

My first visit Xi'an was in year 2000. At that time, Xi'an is not a modern city, it might fall behind than some cities on the sea border. Today, it is a beautiful city. Public transit,it needs more Metro lines. From Airport to city center by airport bus, you might have to wait for a long time. I picked a wrong line from Airport to Xi'an Bin Guan 西安宾馆, my hotel is Bell Tower Hotel, from Bin Guan to Bell Tower is a short distance but I had a hard time to get a taxi. Finally, we asked Bin Guan door people to help us to get a car, private car. It charges us RMB 50 for such a short distance, also, I gave RMB 10 to the hotel people who went to ask a private car that was parked in front of the hotel. Totally, rip off.

Drum tower and Muslim quarter
Muslim quarter used to be cheap but not clean look. Today, it is a place with heavy tourists. Food is not cheap buy tons of people like to pay for it.

Grand Mosque - it was built in year 749 originally. Today's temple(Chinese treated it the same as Buddhist temple) was built in Ming dynasty is under remodeling, but still attracts many visitors.

Drum tower in the evening

Bell Tower

City Wall

Tang Dynasty Palace - rebuilt on the original location

Bell Tower

Small Wild Goose Pagoda

Xi'an Museum

Grand Wild Goose Pagoda

Xi'an Wall - pay to get on top of the wall. You can walk the complete rectangle shape wall

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